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Broderick is the former Chief Risk Officer (CRO) of Goldman Sachs where he served on the Management Committee and was Chair or Co-Chair of the Firmwide Risk Committee. In a 32 year career Craig oversaw control of the firm’s credit, market, liquidity, operational, model, counterparty and insurance risks. Craig is presently a Senior Director of Goldman Sachs, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of Bank of Montreal and McDermott International and is the chair of the Board Risk Committee for both of those institutions. He is also a senior advisor to Credit Benchmark and Fraud.Net.

Craig originally joined Goldman Sachs in 1985 and moved to London in 1986 as part of the firm’s expansion into Europe as their financial systems deregulated.  He remained in London for 13 years, ultimately heading the European Credit group. Craig returned to NY in 1999 as the firm’s Chief Credit Officer, and subsequently took on responsibility for overseeing market, operational, model and independent liquidity risk, as well as insurance. Craig was appointed CRO in 2008, and in this capacity helped to manage the firm through the Global Financial Crisis.  As part of the firm’s subsequent restructuring into a bank holding company, he was involved in overseeing a substantial development of risk systems as well as supporting the increase in regulatory scope including the roll-out of CCAR and Dodd-Frank. In his time as CRO, Craig was Chair or Co-Chair of the Firmwide Risk and Enterprise Risk committees, and participated in various capacities on the firm’s Suitability, Capital and Investment committees.

Craig began his career as a lending officer at the Chase Manhattan Bank which he joined in 1981. He holds a BA in Economics from the College of William and Mary and is active with his alma mater including serving for nine years as a Trustee of the William and Mary Foundation, and was Chair of its Investment Committee. Craig is a member of several risk-related industry associations, including serving on the board of the Global Risk Institute and on the Advisory Committee of the International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers.


He is a board member of StreetSquash, a NY-based urban youth enrichment program, and Finance Requires Effective Education (FREE) which provides financial skills to underserved communities.



Credit and Counterparty Risk

Market Risk

Liquidity Risk

Operational Risk

Insurance Risk



College of William and Mary

BA, Economics


SEDA Experts

Senior Advisor


McDermott International, Ltd

Member of the Board of Directors


Bank of Montreal

Member of the Board of Directors


Credit Benchmark, Ltd

Senior Advisor


Goldman Sachs

Senior Director


Chief Risk Officer


Chief Credit Officer


Head of Credit Group


Chase Manhattan Bank

Lending Officer


Banking Risk Management Expert Witness

Credit and Counterparty Risk,

Market Risk,

Liquidity Risk,

Operational Risk,

Insurance Risk, SEDA consulting, SEDA financial group, Financial services testifying expert, Financial Industry Experts, Testifying Experts Support, financial expert witness, Dispute Resolution

Contact Form
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Craig W. Broderick

1185 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036

+1 646-626-4555

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